Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh I'm Bad! (Procastination)

I was supposed to be better than this. I was supposed to be updating more often but life just keeps getting in the way. But I'm hoping to do a write up of the 15, yes 15 books I read this summer. But I will. I'm not sure when that's coming. But yes I am procrastinating on an actual assignment that's due tomorrow. But here are some pretty awesome pictures my friends have shared with me on FB. Go LIONS! BTW =D I think I'm going to get a tumblr but not sure yet.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Where Does Time Go?

So it's almost the end of the month. I have yet to finish packing, to move into my new townhouse for the upcoming school year. I don't have too much stuff but it's just aggravating to pack. Plus I'll be staying in two different places within two weeks and moving your stuff around is never fun. Yet I' am excited to actually have a place of my own. This should be fun stuff.

It feels so long ago when my family drove off to go back home and left me at my lonesome dorm in V3 which was three years ago. I have year and a half till my undergrad then it's off to the Peace Corp! I'm so excited these next few years are going to be fast. I still need to work out all the details in my plan and I'll be good.

Also so HP and it was good but it made me glad I was a fan of the books first.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The End of an Era + a Little Love for Neville Longbottom

It's that time again, but this time it's for the last time. The last HP(Harry Potter for you muggles XD) movie is coming out this week. As I struggle to find some people to go with me this weekend, all media outlets will be pouring out the HP love. I'm excited. I'm not really having bittersweet feelings that I've read that other people have but I'm really excited to see this movie. I feel like this will be my favorite movie of the summer. It's kind of crazy to think this franchise has been in half of my life.

Well to begin when Harry Potter first came out I was not interested at all. I remember my momma suggesting I read the books when we were at a bookstore once and we walked past a display. This was way before the movies and such and I thought she was crazy. "They're too long! And who wants to read about witches anyway?!" She never suggested again. Then in 7th grade I needed a book for silent reading and had nothing to read so a guy in my class had The Chambers of Secrets and let me read it. I was pretty intrigued and had to get the read the beginning. So began my love for HP. That Christmas I got the first three books and was addicted. For the record my favorite book is Prisoner of Azkaban. I think Rowling gets a perfect blend of humor and darkness in it. Second favorite is Order of the Phoenix just cause Luna is introduced. She's my fave. I remember reading all of books 4-7 on the weekends they were released in at least 48 hours.

But anyway I'm sharing a little bit of Longbottom love. He is the unsung hero of the series. He's one of my faves just because I feel like he has the most growth within the series. The movies show him no love. But with that poster I think they will show Neville's glory. There's so much they cut out from Longbottom. Like how Neville helped Harry in the Triwizard tournament, Neville's parents were targeted by Voldermert too, Neville could of been Harry, ect. I think Rowling did a great job of developing Neville and he's just a fun character. I remember reading an article saying that the trio was going to be a quintet with Neville and Seamus tagging along in the Chamber of Secrets but JK's editors said it be best to narrow down the group. But whatever at-least Neville gets to kill Nagini. Plus Matthew Lewis has really grown into his looks. XP

But Rowling has committed to more HP stuff. There's Pottermore that's supposed to be an extension of the HP universe where you can learn more about the characters and such. I think there is some kind of online role playing going on. Not exactly sure, but that should be interesting, but I guess we'll see how that'll work out.

Here's the link to the website!

Monday, June 13, 2011

My Myspace

Since I’m going to be talking about random things, I’m going to talk about my Myspace. I forgot the password and login since it’s been probably years since I’ve logged on. I’ve been told that you can email the service people they will take it down if you take a picture with your url or something like that but I’m too lazy to find out, lol. I think it looked pretty cool when I had this background that was like paint splattered everywhere and colorful, but now idk they changed the format and I don't like it. It's funny how I used to didn't understand fb now it's my way of communicating with people who I both like and don't like. I used to be all about myspace, now it's just sitting in cyberspace collecting dust, lol.

But anyway I decided to analyze the from the info section. It’s like me doing examination on 18 year old me. I’ll be honest I’m a different person who has experience much more due to her wisdom of being older, (hmmm that sounds kinda stuck up lol). This was more than likely written when I was toward the end of my senior year. That was a dark period of my life. I’ll talk about it more in the future. But let’s just say I wasn’t a happy senior. But surprisingly this isn’t emo at all, it’s pretty chipper. But so much has happened to me and the world. I’m pretty close to having a BA and ready to get up and leave and explore places that aren’t familiar to me.

My current feedback is going to be italicized.

Part libra, part virgo. I still use this today when people ask my sign. Very indecisve, caring, naive, creative, and silly. Being born on the cusp this rings very true to me. I'm usually lost or don't know what I'm doing. I'm a recovering Sims 2 addict, soon to be Sims 3 XD. Lol yes I still love the Sims. I don’t think I will ever grow out of this. My first love has always been and will always be television, then food. lol! I don’t think that this statement would ever be false. It’s just impossible for me to hate one or the other. Other than that I plan to see the world before I die. Yes this is true too, after failed attempts at study abroad due to financial restraints, I am for sure doing Peace Corp. I hope to one day write for tv whether it be for writing scripts, casting, or reviewing. Lolz this has totally changed. While writing will always be something I’ll want to do for the rest of my life, tv probably isn’t the first thing. I’m more looking into nonprofit work with an English. I hope to teach too, and then there's the part of me who wants to go into foreign policy LOLZ foreshadowing of my goal of peace corp. A little self description for those of you who don't know me. Hopefully one day you guys might see me on the Real World I’ve grown older and realized MTV just isn’t knocking on my door. I have sent them my info numerous times. And a failed attempt at audition tape. I’m sure it’s not happening.

Overall this is a pretty honest picture of who I am. Not to revealing for those creepers but just enough for someone to be like that is totally Rosie, or something like that.

I have some more about me sections at different places. I like looking at my past writing to reflect how I was and the progress into the person I am becoming. I really don’t know the endpoint of where my journey will be as a person, but so far I’m liking where I’m going. Like my twitter bio says “Embracing the inner dork, and loving myself a bit more everyday”. That’s how I feel about my myself right now.

If you want to check out my embarrassing myspace page with some cringe worthy blog post check out

(lol this name was taken from the Aida Soundtrack. I was kinda obsessed for awhile. It’s awesome it has some of Heather Headley and Adam Pascal’s work!)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fighting Procastination

All in all I guess this should of been started a long time. But you know being a college student I had exams and other things to study for. But I think I will be trying to post at least twice a week or so. So Cheers.